Terror could shut fans out of Euro 2016
A senior European football official has warned that an ongoing terror threat could disrupt the upcoming UEFA Euro 2016 competition — even forcing matches to be played behind closed doors. Source link
A senior European football official has warned that an ongoing terror threat could disrupt the upcoming UEFA Euro 2016 competition — even forcing matches to be played behind closed doors. Source link
CNN’s Shane O’Donoghue meets the American pro golfer as she settles into her new home in Scottsdale, Arizona. Source link
Whether stunning collectives of 20 plus buildings, like the Nanjing Sifang Art Park, or singular architectural marvels, such as the Long Museum West Bund, Shanghai, the construction of private art museums is booming in China. Source link
CNN’s Shirley Robertson takes Mainsail for an inside look at the life of fellow multiple Olympic Gold medalist Iain Percy. Source link
A grieving father wants the death penalty for his daughter’s alleged killer. Source link
Posted by Zahid Been Aziz’s Telco News on 2010-07-27 08:18:32 Tagged: , Grameenphone
The duel for delegates hits the Rocky Mountains and the desert on Tuesday, as Donald Trump tries to add to his lead and, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz tries to turn one state into a winner-take-all coup. Source link