What Is Digital Marketing? The Terrible Misunderstanding - NIBiz Soft

What Is Digital Marketing? The Terrible Misunderstanding

What Is Digital Marketing? The Terrible Misunderstanding

Employee Monitoring Software

While the definition of digital marketing is quite ordinary, the capabilities of DM are extraordinary. Learn what it means to use the push pull strategy in digital marketing effectively!

To explain, the definition of digital marketing is: the use of digital sources that can calculate effectiveness to promote products, brands and services. Such digital sources include: the web, email, video, RSS, Instant Message, social platforms, podcasts and mobile devices like the smart phone.

There is a loose debate over whether to include TV & digital billboards in the list. Certainly they are digital technologies, but digital marketing is considered easily quantifiable. This means that it is easy to tabulate how many people saw the marketing message, how many took action and how many made a purchase.

Of course, with TV & digital billboards, customers may see the message, take action and buy, but there is no way to calculate the exact number of people who took action. You can’t quantify the results of the marketing message in any real way. Thus, they are not considered true methods for DM.

The ability to quantify the results of a marketing campaign is the biggest difference between marketing and digital marketing. This is why DM is changing the marketing industry in huge ways!

Digital Marketing is not a new sector within marketing, it is the whole new face of marketing.

Within DM, there are two types of services. There is Push DM and Pull DM.

Push Pull Strategy within Digital Marketing

Push DM – The push strategy within DM is the use of advertising that pushes people towards a product, service or brand. For example, a digital push marketing message could be an email, RSS feed or a Facebook post with a blog/website link.

The benefits of Digital push marketing is that it targets “warm prospects” or people who are already on your list. It targets your niche. Additionally, you can personalize the message. For example in an email you can have it address each person individually, “Dear ______.” Lastly, it is very easy to track the effectiveness of this type of campaign.

The disadvantage of push marketing is that it reaches a smaller audience and usually takes more time, money and effort to put together.

Pull DM – The pull strategy within Digital Marketing, is rather where the potential customer must activity seek out the businesses marketing content. For example, a potential customer may find your blog or article via a Google search. Or, a potential customer may like the content you post on your social media platforms and then decide to check out your products.

The benefit and disadvantage of the pull strategy go hand-in-hand. More steps are involved here, for the potential customer. But, if they are taken, there is a higher percentage chance that the potential customer will buy or opt in.

An example of successful pull marketing is SEO (search engine optimization) and having your article or website ranked on the first page of a Google search.

How do you use digital marketing?

Which do you find more effective: push marketing or pull?

Which would you like to learn more about or practice with better results?

For the smartest strategy on how to market your eBook, check out this article:


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