Company Profile of PT. Internusa Hasta Buana - NIBiz Soft

Company Profile of PT. Internusa Hasta Buana

Company Profile of PT. Internusa Hasta Buana

Company Profile of PT. Internusa Hasta Buana

Profile | Customers

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

First of all, we are pleased for the opportunity to introduce INTERNUSA CARGO, the brand name of PT. INTERNUSA HASTA BUANA a freight forwarder company that established since in 1991. Supported by dedicated and experienced people, we grew up into 12 branches all over Indonesia, while our overseas networks covering 108 countries and more than 300 ports worldwide under Famous Pacific Shipping (FPS) Group flag, in which Internusa was one of the group founder.

We provide you various services in cargo transportation, e.g. sea Freight, Air Freight, Domestic Distribution, Project Cargo Handling, as well as Warehousing which specification could be referred in each pages inside.

Internusa Cargo has been developed by qualified human resources who have supreme working culture, National and International cerfiticate in cargo handling. Equipped by integrated Computerized system, Track & Trace software, and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), we will ensure that you are convenient with our time delivery services, safely cargo handling and fast document process. By applying ISO 9001:2000 principles in our management system, we provide a continual improvement in servicing all of you as our good customers.

With kind Regards
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.

Iskandar Zulkarnain
Managing Director

Established Since 18 March 1991
Internusa Cargo has rich of experience and technical excellence in cargo moving, both in international and Domestics routes, by Sea, Air or Land transportation. In the middle of formidable competition in forwarding and shipping industry as well as the economic crisis striking Indonesia, we praise the Lord, could survive and even grow up into 12 branches, e.g. Jakarta, Bandung, Cikarang, Cirebon, Medan, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Jepara, Solo, Surabaya, Denpasar (Bali) and Mataram (Lombok).

“International & Domestic Freight Forwarder”

Internusa is one of the Founder and Group Member of :
“Famous Pacific Shipping (FPS) Group”

Share in Bank Muamalat Indonesia.
Share in FPS Group. FPS Warehousing in Singapore.
FPS Offices in New York & Los Angeles.
WQE Quality Assurance.
Internusa Mitra Sedaya-Ship Stevedoring.

We are dedicated and staffed by experienced and expert personnel
Well versed in documentation and understanding the physical requirements for the cargo movements
Having worldwide networks in more than 108 countries and 300 ports under FPS Group
Highest level of services provide by track & trace Computerized System
Having total employee more than 300 people
Achieving Various National and International Certificates


– ISO 9001:2000 – Quality Management System
– OHSAS 18001 & SKT MIGAS Certificate as quality & safety commitment are part of company
– FIATA : Sea Transportation
– IATA : Air Transportation

– INEXCON (Exhibition & Convention)

To Be The Best In Quality And Value Of Services

Why Do I Need a Forwarder ?

Freight forwarding has become a very complex and specialized procedure, which links the buyer and vendor, the carrier and customs, and the packer and transporter in one continuous process.

The correct choice of Freight Forwarder can be critical to your business, as the nature of the work undertaken by them on your behalf can have a substantial impact on bottom line result. If you consider your Forwarder as a partner, then his business becomes part of your business, and goals are inextricably linked to the success of your operation.

The International forwarder is a conduit between buyer and seller, and is able to :

•Provide an understanding of all IMCO terms 2000 and local transport regulations.
•Meet the buyers objective of timely delivery.
•Gain access to competitive shipping rates.
•Determine optimun economic routing of cargoes.
•Arrange for consolidation of LCL cargoes.
•Undertake Marine Insurance as requested



Internusa Cargo has rich of experince in handling sea transportation since 1991. This record has managed us to have understanding of transportation system & regulations, so that we could provide an excellent service. Once you choose Internusa Cargo to be your partner in your business, we could :
– Determine the optimum economic routing of cargoes
– Meet your buyers’ objective of savely & timely delivery
– Provide a fast document processing

Internusa Cargo is well known as regular & direct consolidation service provider, both in export and import, connecting Indonesia to many major ports. For export consolidation, we provide a regular & direct shipment to Singapore, Hong Kong, Manila and Port Klang as well as any other ports. For import consolidation, we arrange a regular & direct shipment from Singapore, Hong Kong, Yokohama, Busan, Port Klang, Kobe, etc. to main Indonesian ports.

Internusa Cargo has a worldwide network, as we are an integrated part of Famous Pacific Shipping (FPS) Group, covering more than 108 countries and 257 ports around the world. This is enable us to monitor your cargo track effectively, supported by our track & trace computerized system, as well as our commitment of high level responsibility.

Internusa Cargo also an NVOCC, supported by many service contracts, we could :
– Gain an easy access to competitive freight rates;
– Provide space guarantee; and
– Provide a reliable sailing schedule

Internusa Cargo also provide services to handle cargo from shipper’s warehouse to consignee’s warehouse, including the activity of :
– Packing & Crating
– Pick Up, Inland Transportation
– Consolidating
– Full Container Handling
– Port Handling
– Custom Clearance, etc.

A fast delivery is currently become a major consideration in cargo moving. Internusa Cargo provide air transportation to accommodate said needs, supported by more than 30 experienced staffs in Jakarta, Bali, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, and Yogyakarta. As member of International Air Transportation Association (IATA), we hold IATA certificate since in year of 2001.

Internusa Cargo could provide a wide network with competitive price, as we became the Cargo Agent of many Air Lines such as :
– Garuda Indonesian Airways
– Thai Airways
– Malaysian Airlines
– Cathay Pacific
– Luthansa
– Saudi Arabian Airlines
– Kuwait Airways
– Gulf Air
– Yemmen Airways
– Air Asia
– Singapore Airlines
– We are now the Sole Cargo Agent of Air Asia in Bandung, which provide the following services :
– Bandung to Malaysia Area :
– Bandung to Bangkok, Bangalore, Hongkong.

Our Air Freight Division ensure your cargo will reach the destination efficiently by consol, and even by combined sea/air shipment by using multimodal documents. The services cover all activities, i.e. :
– Cargo Pick Up
– Door delivery
– Crating
– Storage
– Custom Clearance.

Supported by professional and dedicated staffs, our Domestic Division is capable to handle and distribute both your general cargo and special cargo. Having a rich experince, Internusa Cargo has been distributing a lot of supermarket items a well as equipments in several sectors, such as construction, drilling, electricity and telecommunication.

Our wide networks in 14 branches as well as many agents in the Indonesian major ports enable your import cargo to be distributed in many import points in Indonesia. This service also serves many local industries to send their products inter-islands over Indonesian territory with efficient cost.

No matter where in Indonesia your cargo destination is, our combined fleet is at your service to deliver your goods safely and fast at the competitive rate. INTERNUSA CARGO provide below services to satisfy the customers:
– Land Transportation
– Domestic Sea and Air Forwarding
– Combined Sea / Air / Land Transportation

Supported by profesional team which had abroad minded, we could arrange various kind of cargo from or into overseas such as Heavy Lift & Dangerous Cargo, Exhibition Goods, and also Import Custom Clearance, on time. These services make you conveniemt in submitting your special cargo to various destinations, as well as integrated import services.

Internusa Cargo’s high reputation was also depicted by its success in handling some project cargoes. Some governmental enterprises have been using our services could be mentioned as follows :
– Department of Defense and Security
– States Oil Company
– State Electricity Enterprises
– Communication Department
– National Agency For Export Development.

In Custom Clearance services, Internusa Cargo offer integrated services supported by experienced operational staffs and Electronic Data Interchange with Customs House and its affiliates abroad, so that the shipper/consignee here could directly access the data, as well as their receiving agents.

Internusa Cargo also provide warehousing services to accommodate the increasing needs in import distribution management. With a rich experience, our Warehouse Division ensure a proper warehousing, storage, stock keeping, labeling and distribution.

Internusa Cargo’s warehousing services is facilitated by :
– 5000 square meters of warehouse
– Realiable and Experienced Staffs
– Independent Surveyor


Who are our international partners and alliance?

Famous Pacific Shipping companies and its network members will strive to meet and exceed customer expectations for value for money service provided reliably, efficiently and promptly, in accordance with all commercial and regulatory practices. In doing so, Famous Pacific Shipping Group companies will :

1.Focus on their customers and strive to meet their needs
2.Continually improve performance and improve and be strive innovative in service provision
3.Work as a team with other FPS network members
4.Responsible on your cargo movement.

Worldwide Network
“ Our Network Links Your Worlad “
Anggola China Greece Japan Paraguay Sryria
Antigua Colombia Guam Hjordan Peru Taiwan
Argentina Congo Guatemala Kenya Philippines Tahiti
Aruba Costarica Guinae Kuwait Portugal Tanzania
Australia Curacao Guyana Lebanon Puerto Rico Thailand
Bahamas Cyprus Haiti Madagascar Qatar Trinidad
Bahrain Denmark Holland Malaysia Reunion Turkey
Bangladesh Dominican Rep Honduras Mauritius Russia Urkey
Barbados Ecuador Hongkong Mexio Saudi Arabia U.E.A
Belgium Eqypt India Morocco Sychelles United Kingdom
Belize EI Savador Indonesia Mozambique Singapore Uruguay
Bermuda Fiji Iran New Zealand South Africa U.S.A
Botswana Finland Ireland Nicaragua South Koera Venezuela
Brazil France Israel Nigeria Spain Vietnam
Canada Gabon Italy Oman Sri Langka Yemen
Canary Island Germany Ivory Coast Pakistan Sweeden Zimbabwe
Chile Ghana Jamaica Panama St. Lucia Zambia

Through the years of servicing customers, Internusa Cargo has participated in distribution works of various projects in Indonesia, such as :

GARBARATA PROJECT BUKAKA – (Jakarta – Hongkong) Year : 1997
HEAVYLIFT CARGO GENERATOR – (PAUWELL, Jakarta) Year : 1998 – 1999
CONVEYOR BELT – (GOODYEAR, Jakarta) Year : 1998 – 1999
CONDUSER EQUIPMENT – (SIEMENS, Cigading Brazil Year : 1998 – 2001
STEEL STRUCTURE PROJECT – (CILEGON Fabricator Banten Port – Year : 1997 – 2003
H/L PROJECT TEXMACO – (BUBAO Spain – Jakarta) Year : 1999
EXPORT TOYOTA – (Jakarta – New Zealand) Year : 1999

Other Governmental & Industrial Project Experiences Include :
MABES TNI AD (For period of 1995 till present)
– Kopassus Equipment
– Communication tools
– Aljihandak
– Land Rover Vehicles
– Isuzu Trucks
– and Other Spare Parts

MABES TNI AU (For period of 1996 till present)
– Flight Equipment
– Radar
– F-16 & MK 53 Engines
– Helicopter
– Alkapsus

MABES POLRI (for period of 1996-2004)
– Communication Tools
– POLRI Vehicles
– Intel Equipments

MABES TNI AL (for period of 1996 till present)
– Missile
– Diesel Generator
– Gas Turbines
– Weapons
– MLM Korvet & PSK

SKOMLEK MABES TNI (for period of 1996 till present)
– Communication Tools
– GSM Tools

SENMU BABEK TNI (for period of 2003 till present)
– Grenade
– Machine Guns

PT. Unindo, PT. Panarub, Timor , Yamaha, Nissan Motor
– Transformer and other machines

You can contact us at the addresses below:


Jakarta – HEAD OFFICE / Administration Office
Graha ISKA 165
Jl. Pramuka Raya No. 165 Jakarta 10570 – Indonesia
Phone: (+62-21) 4280 0909
Fax: (+62-21) 4280 0505
Email :

JL. Pelabuhan Nusantara II Tanjung Priok (POS I)
Export Phone: (+62-21) 439 07960
Import Phone : (+62-21) 437 2681
Fax : (+62-21) 914 5215

JAKARTA (Operational Office)
Jl. Laksamana R.E. Martadinata No. 12P-12Q
Jakarta 14430
Phone: (+62-21) 690 6586
Fax: (+62-21) 690 7403
Email :

Jl. Sutomo No 39 A-B
Medan 20235 – North Sumatera
Phone:(+62-61) 765 16416
Fax:(+62-61) 457 8192
Email :

Ruko Roxy Block B-23
Jl. MH Thamrin, Lippo City Cikarang – Bekasi 17550
West Java, Indonesia
Phone :(+6221) 89902355-56
Fax :(+6221) 89908370
Email :

Jl. Adisucipto No. 190
Gedung Solo Pos, Solo – Central Java
Phone:(+62-271) 7517117 & 731391
Fax: (+62-271) 732412
Email :

Jl. Lodaya No.59
Bandung 40264 – West Java
Phone :(+62-22) 730 1141, 732 4022
Fax : (+62-22) 730 8538
Email :

Jl. Pemuda No 22
Jepara 54911 – Central Java
Phone:(+62291) 592198
Fax: (+62291) 592198
Email :

Jl. Evakuasi Komplek Cimanuk No. 402
Cirebon 45131 – West Java
Phone :(+62-231) 480 632
Fax : (+62-231) 480 632
Email :

Perkantoran Tanjung Priok Indah Blok G-19
Jl. Laksda. M. Nazir No. 29 –
Surabaya – East Java
Phone:(+62-31) 329 9577-79
Fax: (+62-31) 329 9589
Email :

Perkantoran Semarang Indah Blok E1/22
Jl. Madukoro – Semarang
Central Java
Phone: (+6224)7623756, 7623757
Fax: (+6224) 7623758, 7618136
Email :

Jl. Pemelisan No. 54 – Suwung Batan Kendal
Denpasar 80233 – Bali
Phone:(+62-361) 723697, 723698
Fax: (+62-361) 723698
Email :

Jl. Tegal Turi No. 65A
Giwangan – Yogyakarta
Phone:(+62-274) 381 639
Fax: (+62-274) 381 639
Email :

Jl. Raya Sandik Km 0.5
Mataram, Lombok Barat
Phone : (+62370) 644726 / 644739
Fax : (+62370) 644739
Email :

Posted by fpsindonesia on 2011-04-29 03:20:16

Tagged: , Internusa , Cargo

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