How To Make Free Website With Free Domain and Hosting | (Bangla Tutorial)- Part- 1
This is a Bangla video tutorial on how to make or create a free website within 10
minutes! Its a tutorial from IT Bari Tutorials Bangladesh.
In this bangla tutorial series you will learn- How to make a free website using .tk
free domain and’s 10 GB of Free hosting! You will also come to know that-
What is wordpress and how to use wordpress.
So why wait! Enjoy this learning bangla tutorial on- “How to make a free website
online in Just 10 Minutes”
To get more bangla video tutorial relating SEO, HTML and WordPress kindly have a visit-
What are in this lesson-
Lessong Title- “How to make a free website with .tk domain and 10GB hosting!”
Chain Tune part- Part No. 01
What you will learn:
What is the difference between web design and development. It’s a Bangla video
Tutorial Maker- Muhammad Abdul Kader
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