Fatherhood [..Narayanganj, Bangladesh..] - NIBiz Soft

Fatherhood [..Narayanganj, Bangladesh..]

Fatherhood [..Narayanganj, Bangladesh..]

Fatherhood [..Narayanganj, Bangladesh..]

He knows to love.
He is affectionate
He tries to protect.
He takes the responsibility.

He is a teacher….
Teaching his child to live in the cruel world.

A Father.
He represents a true human.

Teaching his son how to swim. Captured from Shitalakshya River, Narayangonj.

Posted by Catch the dream on 2007-11-17 19:17:41

Tagged: , Human , Child , Father , Affection , Love , Responsibility , Trait , Protection , Care , Bathing , Bath , River , Water , BW , Bangladesh , FlickrsBest , Bangladeshi , Bengal , Bangla , Bangali , Bengali , Bongo , Catch the Dream , gettyimagesBANGLADESHQ2

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